Anil Menon’s Beast–and Tamil Pulp Fiction


UPDATE: Ashish Gajera pointed out this Indian pulp noir special issue.

Anil Menon’s The Beast with Nine Million Feet came in the mail yesterday. (I think I lost the first copy the publisher sent.) I’m a big fan of Menon’s nonfiction, so am curious to sample the fiction. Menon also was kind enough to send me Tamil Pulp Fiction, which looks fascinating. In addition to short stories, it also features deliriously awesome color plates of various pulp books or publications. Here are just a few examples. Please note the fish or eel coming out of the eye. Please note the crazy cat.




2 comments on “Anil Menon’s Beast–and Tamil Pulp Fiction

  1. sarah says:

    This is so weird… And I’m in love with weird! XD

    Off-topic: Is there any place where I can find ‘The Thackeray T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities’ TOC? I was looking for it in Amazon, but I’ve got zero luck….

  2. Aishwarya says:

    I notice you didn’t post the spread that has a picture of what looks suspiciously like Vampire! Avril Lavigne? Tamil Pulp Fiction II (consisting of fewer, longer pieces) is now out as well.

    (I’m tempted to recommend pretty much everything that publisher has done, but I’d sound like I worked for them. I don’t; I’m just a big fan)

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