Cheeky Frawg Rises Slowly From Slumber, and Other News


I’ve spent the weekend working on book proposals, correspondence and reading related to Finnish writers, and a lot more. But regular blog service will resume here shortly—and as part of that we’ll also be unveiling more Cheeky Frawg e-book titles, as well as beginning our true PR push for existing titles. (Click on for our current titles.) We will also soon be making our e-books available through distribution sites that cater to audiences outside of the UK and North America–promise!

One thing to look forward to: I’ll definitely be releasing an e-book of “Flesh,” a totally reimagined version of a story that first appeared in Fear Magazine back in the 1980s. I was planning on just typing it up as-is for an e-book, but then inspiration struck and suddenly my originally 5,000-word story (which has never appeared online) was 10,000 words.

In other news, The Steampunk Bible is out, as is the Brazilian edition of The Situation. And, as you may have heard, my wife Ann is up for a Hugo Award again. In addition, you can now buy electronic subscriptions to Weird Tales, the magazine she edits. I’ll have linkage to that, and more later this week, along with photos and commentary on books bought or acquired during our European trip, and a lot more.

Right now, though, I’ve got to plan out the extended outline for the Shared Worlds/Single Vision writing book I’m turning in to Abrams in September.

One comment on “Cheeky Frawg Rises Slowly From Slumber, and Other News

  1. kyeran says:

    Can we expect some ‘Thackery T. Lamshed…’ art in advance? The list of illustrators is just impressive! I can’t wait to see the finished book!

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