Punchin’ and Playin’ Star Wars All Over the Globe

As reported on Omnivoracious, the Punch Out Five (aka Sir Tessa, Shelf Monkey, Royal Muffin, Partial Vodka, and the Priest) will be stagin’ Star Wars scenes for mah amusement in the nearish future. Should be interesting.

Although not mentioned in the Omnivoracious piece, one of these unlucky, hapless fools also received a set of policeman outfit stickers, complete with handcuffs, to include in the scenarios–as pictured here…

5 comments on “Punchin’ and Playin’ Star Wars All Over the Globe

  1. “…has been cited on Australian national radio as a prime source for Steampunk (although she’s since discontinued this practice)”

    OMG. You turd! XD

  2. I had to go here


    to make sure that was a larf icon…

  3. You didn’t already know?


    I am shocked. Clearly, you’re hanging around the wrong parts of the intrawebz.


  4. Now, I’m pretty sure you’re looking at me funny…and then just plain-old making fun of me.


  5. I have received the items. But unfortunately, the police uniform stickers do not want to relinquish their holds on the plastic backing, and have been ripped, mangled, and pretty much ruined in my attempts to free them.


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